Tuesday 3 January 2012

Question from 'Moonday'

Q: "Hi Anna, from your pictures you look almost perfect weight. I am saying "almost", as they are not very defined, so it's hard to tell. Are you going by your own "weight-wishes" or by what Dukan says?
CONGRATULATIONS on an amazing job so far!!!!!"

A: Thanks! I am not following the Dukan diet anymore. This is how I am calculating my target weight. For someone my height, you have to be between 8-10 stone. I am currently at 10.8 which is slightly overweight. I want to get to about 9 or 9 and a half as it is the midway point.
Regarding the pictures, I have mentioned in other posts that people in my family have very narrow frames and we often look smaller than what we are. I just need to find a new diet to kick start my weight loss again :)


  1. Hi Anna -- congrats again on your weight loss! Do you know which diet you'll be following, or are you deciding right now between a few diets?

  2. I have a small frame too so at Dukan's suggested 'target weight' for me, I'll still be quite podgy... so I'll be trying to get a bit lower than that. Good luck with losing that last stone.
