Wednesday 10 August 2011

I. HATE. OATBRAN. *gasp*

After a 2 month love affair with oatbran... I have come to the conclusion that I hate it. I was so happy with the pancakes, microwave biscuits, bakes biscuits, muffins and what not...but now I am just SICK of it. I can't bring myself to eat any of it. What do I do?
I haven't had chocolate in so long and I need something to fill that void. I know, I have tried the chocolate oatbran muffin, tried the cookies, but nothing is like pure chocolate. hmfffff :-(


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. try this:

    Did you know that there are some who do the dukan diet minus oatbran because of gluten intolerance? Eat more fish/ seafood...cut out the red meat and eat more fibrous veg e.g. greens (spinach, kale etc.) on your PV days.
    Just take a break fom oatbran!
    Good luck!

  3. I think "piscean2764" is right. Take a break from it. Substitue with the other things she mentioned and when you're ready, go back to it. You'll do great :)

  4. Ive read of someone having a couple of Rivita instead of the oatbran for fibre and roughage without any ill effects, might be worth a try?
